Horse Academy – Horse Park

A country farm from 19th century was converted into the modern horse riding center with a luxury accommodation. The abandoned site needed careful landscaping.

A piece of Italy in the south Moravia

The clients love sunny Italy and their wishes about having it on the back garden in the south Moravia came true. The formal layout was inspired by two rows of trees.

A family garden in Troja

The garden location offers lovely view to the Trojska kotlina, river Vltava or Prague Castle. The site is surrounded by nice mature gardens and nearby is also the Prague Botanical Garden.

Every project is different - every one is unique. A personal approach is my priority.

Every client has their own wishes, ideas. Every site has its own specifics.

Feature Project

Zahrada Sněženka

Přeměna staré zpustlé zanedbané zahrady v zahradu, která má atmosféru předměstských prvorepublikových zahrad, znamenala proměnu nevzhledné džungle v nostalgickou krásu.

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